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Aria FAST™ C1K rental water treatment system treats the toughest waters

Aria FAST C1K Microfiltration Rental Water Treatment System Treats the Toughest Waters

  • The Aria FAST C1K automated rental water treatment system features two C60-NA 40-ft MF containers and one 20-ft auxiliary container and filtrate tank.
  • The increased membrane quantity in the C1K allows for lower flux to treat the most difficult waters without sacrificing flow rate. Its innovative and advanced filtration technology treats a wide range of variable water and wastewater sources and can be adapted to variations in feed water composition, temperature, and flow while delivering high-quality water.
  • In addition to functioning as a standalone water treatment system, Aria FAST containers can quickly connect to an existing plant for additional capacity. The container’s neutralization functionality can be utilized to allow clean-in-place (CIP) wastes to be compatible for on-site discharge, allowing for flexibility at sites where a wastewater treatment plant connection is not available.
  • Designed with durability in mind, the Aria FAST containers incorporate features that improve reliability in harsh conditions. The C60-NA includes the hydraulic capacity to support excess recirculation (XR) for high-solids applications or in cases of upset conditions or seasonal turbidity spikes.
  • The robust hollow-fiber membrane design offers system strength and provides absolute filtration to finer levels, which helps protect downstream equipment and ultimately, minimize downtime.