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Aria FLEX™ Custom Water Systems

Modular Intelligence at Its Best

Designed for mid- to large-scale municipalities or large industrial water users, Aria FLEX gives you the ability to customize our proven membrane systems to meet your exact water needs. This complete, customized solution uses high-performance microfiltration (MF) modules. With a flexible design, this membrane-based system can meet a wide range of capacities and flow rates.

Whether you are looking to upgrade, replace, or build a new water treatment plant, Aria FLEX technology offers the custom capabilities to perfectly meet your capacity and water quality needs.

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Applications of Aria FLEX Custom Water Treatment

Aria FLEX custom designed water treatment systems are ideal for numerous applications

PFAS Removal

Removal of "forever chemicals" like perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS), perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), and other polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) from wastewater and drinking water


Municipal Water Treatment

High-quality drinking water and wastewater treatment for municipalities, available across the globe


Seawater Reverse Osmosis Pretreatment

The most effective solutions to treat seawater and prevent premature RO fouling caused by seawater contaminants


Reuse and Wastewater Treatment

Customized systems to meet your reuse and wastewater treatment needs


Industrial Feed Water

Membrane-based systems designed to meet the needs of industrial water users around the globe


Benefits of Custom Water Systems

Flexible, custom water treatment systems for mid- and large-scale projects


Flexible, Full Range of Options

Aria FLEX membrane systems have a flexible scope, offering solutions that range from full water treatment systems to basic skids.


Customizable to Meet Complex Water Challenges

Our custom water treatment solutions can operate with multiple low-pressure membrane options.


Ideal for upgrades and expansions

Modular approach allows for systems to be scaled to accommodate any capacity.


Fits Any Capacity

Aria FLEX custom water treatment systems are available for capacities ranging from 1 mgd to more than 50 mgd (4 mld to 200+ mld).


View the Aria FLEX Product

How Have Other Customers Used Custom Water Treatment?

Go behind the scenes of some complex water challenges with our client success stories.


Cottage Grove, Oregon, USA

Cottage Grove was tasked with adding water production capacity at its water treatment plant. The system needed to meet drinking water standards, handle unique capacity, and offer 24/7 monitoring.

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Flowery Branch, GA, USA

The city of Flowery Branch required an alternative wastewater system as its wastewater plant was using conventional sand filters and was unable to reduce phosphorus to meet the new limits.

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Barka, Sultanate of Oman

The Sultanate of Oman needed to build a complete desalination plant to provide potable water in less than a year to the Muscat city’s water network that serves more than 2 million residents.

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