The City of Cisco, Texas, upgraded their municipal water treatment plant with an Aria FIT packaged water system featuring trusted membrane technology from Aria Filtra.
The City of Cisco’s water treatment plant serves more than 6,500 residents, which includes two wholesale customers that purchase bulk water from the city for surrounding rural communities. In 2010, the City of Cisco decided to upgrade its existing water treatment plant to replace its conventional dual media filters with modern, sophisticated membrane technology. To determine which membrane system to implement, officials began a testing phase of qualifying solutions from a variety of vendors.
The quality and reliability of our system was evident throughout the pilot testing phase, resulting in the selection of an Aria FIT membrane filtration system. The City of Cisco’s water treatment plant implemented three skids, resulting in a total capacity of 2.5 million gallons per day.
The high-performing membrane skids provide quality water while the system remains easy to operate. The fully integrated membrane system has automated data logging, making it much easier for the plant to comply with regulations.
“Implementing Aria FIT skids was instrumental in allowing the City of Cisco’s water treatment plant to meet regulations, as it is now much easier to comply with turbidity removal, monitoring, and testing in addition to various other regulations. Its automated reporting and autogenerated data logging make life easier for the operators. Testing and compliance have become less tedious tasks because of the Aria Filtra system.”
- Jordan Hibbs, PE, Enprotec / Hibbs & Todd, Inc. (eHT)
The Aria FIT system enabled the City of Cisco to automate compliance testing and reporting and deliver safe, reliable drinking water.
Aria FIT packaged water treatment solution from Aria Filtra® fits your schedule, your footprint, and your budget. These easy-to-operate, pre-engineered systems incorporate proven, plug-and-play designs that can be installed quickly into new or pre-existing plants.
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Our knowledgeable team is here to provide innovative filtration solutions that meet your water and wastewater treatment needs.
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Aria Filtra, a division of Trojan Technologies and the Water Quality Segment, is the filtration partner of choice for companies who need smart water solutions. With more than two billion gallons of installed capacity spanning six continents, we are a leader in membrane-based water treatment solutions. Our broad portfolio of intelligent, reliable water systems and modules are used by leading industrial and municipal customers to ensure the continual supply of safe and reliable water.
© Copyright Aria Filtra | 839 NY State Route-13, Cortland, NY 13045, USA | +1-866-475-0115 | Fax +1-607-758-4526