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Emergency Deployment of Mobile Filtration System Restores Drinking Water Within Days

Aria FAST™ Mobile Solutions Case Study | City of Cisco, TX

After damaging floods, the City of Cisco, Texas, ran out of fresh drinking water. Aria Filtra delivered a complete emergency water treatment solution and was operating within hours.

The challenge

In 2016, the City of Cisco experienced heavy rains that completely flooded Lake Cisco and ultimately submerged the city’s surface water treatment plant and all its equipment. The plant’s team worked around the clock to provide water to the city’s residents; however, the water treatment plant completely ran out of water in the days immediately following the flood.


The solution

Aria FAST containerized mobile membrane system was chosen as the treatment solution due to Aria Filtra’s fast deployment speed and ability to meet filtration regulations. Capable of producing water within hours of arrival on-site, the Aria FAST units are perfectly suited for emergency situations in municipal environments.


The results

Within 72 hours of the flood, an Aria Filtra® trailer and technician had arrived on-site. The Aria FAST unit was producing safe, reliable drinking water for the City of Cisco and its residents within seven hours of arriving on-site. The city utilized its Aria FAST trailer, which has a total capacity of one million gallons per day (mgd), while they continued the process of building a new water treatment plant.

Solution overview

  • Delivered and started producing quality water within 72 hours of the flood
  • Produced high-quality drinking water for residents and wholesale customers
  • Has a capacity of 1 million gallons per day 
  • Provided mobile water until the original water treatment plant was restored



Learn About the Product - Aria FAST Mobile Treatment Units

Fast deployment of a mobile water trailer delivered quality drinking water to a flooded city.

Aria Filtra Website ICON Aria FAST with Water

Mobile Water Solutions: Aria FAST – MF / UF Systems

Water on demand, when and where you need it.

Whether you require water treatment for short-term, long-term or emergency relief Aria FAST mobile water solution from Aria Filtra provides a complete, automated membrane system. It requires minimal labor and can be operational within hours of arrival on-site.

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Our knowledgeable team is here to provide innovative filtration solutions that meet your water and wastewater treatment needs.


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Aria Filtra Aria FAST Trailer Driving


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