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Meeting Drinking Water Inspectorate Compliance on a Tight Deadline

Aria FIT™ Packaged Treatment Case Study | Waterworks, UK

In only 12 months, the English Town of Eastbourne and surrounding areas upgraded their water treatment plant with Aria FIT packaged membrane system from Aria Filtra.

The challenge

The Waterworks Road Water Treatment Works (WTW) needed to build a new water treatment system to provide safe, high-quality drinking water for 30,000 residents in the Town of Eastbourne and surrounding districts. Heavy rainfall caused microbial and turbidity spikes that introduced fine chalk particles and other contaminants into the water supply. To maintain compliance with the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI), the Town of Eastbourne needed to build a new, more robust filtration system within 12 months to avoid strict penalties from regulators.


The solution

The contractors hired to manage the project collaborated with plant operators to qualify a variety of technologies. Having worked with Aria Filtra® previously on three other WTW plants in the region, the contractor turned to Aria Filtra early on in the project, relying on our expertise throughout the design and procurement process. With our installations already successfully operating in close proximity to Eastbourne, the Waterworks Road WTW team was well aware of our reliable membrane technology. We expeditiously completed installation of their Aria FIT packaged membrane system in just 12 months.


The results

Key to the success of this project was the speed of deployment. To meet the tight deadline, Aria Filtra pre-engineered a majority of the system to avoid potential delays and worked closely with contractors and other suppliers to ensure seamless integration. The robust membranes were able to easily meet the quality needs and drinking water requirements and maintain compliance with the Drinking Water Inspectorate (DWI). Because the implementation of the new water treatment system was completed in only 12 months, the plant also avoided paying costly fines.

“With Aria FIT skids from Aria Filtra, we are now able to achieve maximum capacity of 7.5 megaliters per day, which was previously a big challenge. Our old system typically operated around 4.5 megaliters per day due to issues handling turbidity and removing fine chalk. This additional capacity allows Waterworks Road Water Treatment Works to be more resilient because if the plant experiences any issues, we now can pull from our own excess supply rather than having to rely on other nearby plants. Our skids have allowed the overall operation to become more robust.”
- Brian Steverton, project manager, South East Water

Solution overview

  • Robust, high-performing membranes met drinking water standards.
  • The system can operate at full capacity during high turbidity events.
  • The speed of deployment resulted in zero regulatory fines.
  • The system was installed and fully operational two days ahead of the DWI compliance date.



Learn About the Product - Aria FIT Packaged Water Treatment Solution

Quick deployment of four packaged water treatment units enabled the Town of Eastbourne to meet new drinking water regulations.

Aria Filtra Website ICON Aria FAST with Water

Packaged Water Solutions: Aria FIT – MF / UF Systems

Fits your schedule, your footprint, and your budget

Packaged Water Solutions offer pre-engineered systems with trusted microfiltration (MF) and ultrafiltration (UF) technology. The modular, skid-based designs can be configured to fit any footprint, making this technology ideal for facilities with limited space or small capacity needs.

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